Monday, January 21, 2008

Commit or Quit?

No, not smoking - cowboy. I never explicitly said "we are getting back together" but I'm not actually dating anyone else. I guess to an extent I gave myself a "get out of jail free" card after "the new guy" fizzled should anything happen with "other work guy" before he left the country. Nothing happened and the going away happy hour was already this past Friday.

We all started at a little brew pub, and five Bacardi & Coke's later moved on to Ringler's, where one Lemon Drop later we moved to 80's night at the Fez Ballroom. Somebody, somewhere hung on to some awesome white Levi's and a neon jacket - way cool! Well, way cool if you remember to roll and peg the Levi's. I was not prepared for 80's night, or the sights of 80's night but witnessed a totally rad dance off between a guy in short shorts, tube socks, and a headband against a guy with an affinity for neon. I would like to go back and actually plan for it ahead of time because it was fun. But the place was way too crowded, too long of a line for drinks, and too long of a line for the bathrooms.

I saw cowboy on Saturday night. He was tired after a hard day of duck huntin' so we didn't do much - just hung out. Only one more weekend of duck season... I gotta figure out what I want.

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