Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Oops! Where Did The Time Go?

The month of October has sucked the lifeblood out of me. OK, not the actual month but every thing I am managing at work. I do not like working a full day and then working for another few hours at home.
I have managed to throw my child a birthday party at the Oregon Humane Society. The kids loved going in to the cat rooms and playing with the cats. Then they went through the dog section and gave treats to all the dogs. Only one animal came home with someone, a rat named Charles.
M's birthday present from me was to get her ears pierced. Following piercing ears, I got my belly button pierced. M promptly told me that her sister handled it much better than I did because her sister didn't scream.
M got to meet RFG several weeks ago and she likes him. This is of course a first EVER! Unfortunately, RFG needs to get his shit together. He broke up with his last serious girlfriend in June and broke up with his rebound from that just days before we met. I do not need to be a rebound from a rebound.
A few weeks ago, we were at his friend's house and he had been drinking WAYYY too much and he acted like a complete ass. He left, then I left. He went on to another bar and was so drunk he called me because he couldn't find his car. I am thinking if you are so drunk you can't find your car, you shouldn't be driving. So the next day I told him we were dating but I was going to continue on with my life and dating other people. I actually have not seen him since but we are still talking. Tonight he sent me a text saying he missed me. Whatever...
In the meantime, good night. Time to take care of all these piercings.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's MAN season

OK, not really. It's actually somewhere in between deer and elk season. Cowboy had called me a couple weeks ago. I was slightly wrapped up in RockFest Guy (which of course turned out to be a totally worthless drunk) so I didn't call back right away. I sent him a text to just say hello and ask how hunting went because I really didn't want there to be awkwardness if I ran into him again. He sent me a text back that said

yes i got my deer
did you find a man
are we going to dinner sometime

Apparently I was supposed to be hunting 'men' while he was out hunting deer.