Monday, March 30, 2009

Buy One Get One Free? I'd Rather Not

I have been remiss in not updating, although now my update is a little sad. M had another very sad day yesterday, and I feel absolutely shitty about it.
I was just talking about how we had managed to keep this hamster for over six months and what did that do? I jinxed us. Yesterday we came home to a disaster. Rufus (the newest foster dog) did not meet us at the front door so I immediately knew something was wrong. As soon as I rounded the corner at the top of the stairs, I saw the stuffing from the hamster cage spilled all over the floor and knew something bad was waiting for me on the other side of the bathroom door. The cage was completely apart, and there was Hairball's lifeless body.
Hearing M wail for half an hour broke my heart. Then before bed she thought maybe she had left the bathroom door open and that it might have been her fault. Another half hour of absolute wailing.
Today I had to call the same vet that cremated Fluffy to make sure I could bring in Hairball. Apparently I was charged the incorrect price last time because the correct price for private cremation of a 6 ounce hamster is $104. After I recovered from my shock, I had to figure out what to do. Do I explain to an 8 year old that there is way in fucking hell I'm paying over $100 to cremate an animal that fits in my hand and cost $10? Or do I simply take the hamster in, hand it over, buy the little paw print ceramic tile, and three weeks from now bring a home a box that looks like the last one? I'm thinking option number two sounds really good.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

To Run or Not To Run

I really want to have something witty and cool to say here, but I'm not sure how successful I will be. I went to LC last weekend to see my country boy. I usually see something entertaining when I'm at the beach, but we spent Saturday out in the woods and Saturday night at his house. I did see a lovely fringed leather jacket paired with painted Keds on a lady at the Outlet Mall that you know she paid at least $500 for that jacket in 1985.

For those of you read that first paragraph twice, yes, I actually went willingly out into the woods. I even had to pee in the woods by the side of a road.

Big decision in my life right now is whether to sell the Camaro or not. I have a potential buyer, and I would be able to look for an older one with a manual transmission. I will stop now since I am pretty sure there is no one else who reads this blog that has any interest in cars that even remotely compares to mine.

What else? Smaller decision right now is I am signed up for the Shamrock Run 5K on Sunday. I haven't trained as much as I wanted to but more than I did last year. Only problem is I'm sick today, and not sure it's such a great idea to run 3.2 miles a couple days after I recover from whatever mild version of the flu I have. I'm leaning towards not running but I really do want to. I'm going for a pedicure after the run, but who am I kidding - I'll still go get the pedicure even if I don't run.