Sunday, September 21, 2008

It's A Small World After All...

RFG (that's Rock Fest Guy) and I were talking tonight. We started discussing the upcoming basketball season, and he started to tell me about how his dad has had season tickets to the Blazer's since he was a kid. He mentioned a childhood friend, and what do you know? His best friend when he was little was 'secret crush guy' from my work.
Holy hell... 'secret crush guy' is apparently the center of my universe. Kinda blows any chance of dating them both since if they do reconnect they'll want to know how I know the other one.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Six Degrees Is Not Enough

Six degrees of Kevin Bacon is wonderfully silly drinking game based on the theory that any two actors can be connected through a movie Kevin Bacon starred in. There is also a scientific theory that any two people in the world are no more than six people apart. I am beginning to think six is an incredibly generous number.

There is a guy at work that I happen to have an incredibly huge crush on. I do not work with him in any way so our paths only cross in the coffee shop, at lunch, or occassionally at the gym. Another work friend has told me said crush is single, but she's protecting him so she isn't willing to help out my cause (as if guys need protected from me). Mr. redbull already thinks my work is the equivalent of high school for grown-ups and that I should not dive head first into the deep end of the work dating pool.

Monday afternoon, Sara and I head downstairs for coffee. Who should I see in the coffee shop ahead of me in line? Why my crush, of course. Said hi, and he says "I meant to say something earlier but your cousin's friend Anne says hi."

"Oh, Anne's great. How do you know Anne?"

"She's the hygienist at my dentist. She always has the greatest stories. We had this totally inappropriate conversation."

"Well that's Anne. Almost all conversations with Anne cover something inappropriate."

Little nudge on the arm from my crush, "She told me all about this great Passions Party she went to..."

All I could really do at that point was giggle like a little school girl, turn red, and hyperventilate. His coffee was ready so I said "Bye!" and he left. I completely lost any and all composure I had, Sara had to order my coffee for me because all I could do was point at the size cup I wanted. Then I had to explain to the girl behind the counter why I was having this complete meltdown of laughter and hyperventilation. She asked if I wanted a shot of vodka in my coffee.

Well, at least I already know he'll answer question number 7 correctly.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Rock People Go To RockFest

I have mr. redbull to thank for this past Friday at KUFO's Rockfest lucky number 13 at Columbia Meadows. Tickets plus VIP parking, plus VIP tent access, and the best freaking people watching ever. I realize now that I just need to carry my good camera and take the pictures to prove the things I write about are for real.

Like the fact I personally have no issue with people who wear cutoffs, the only thing I ask is that they actually cut the jeans off all the way around. Cutoff only in the back is wrong. And if you are female, and do not play rugby, they make products that remove facial hair. Some of them are fairly inexpensive even.

I have one more reason to thank mr. redbull and that is I met a guy in the VIP tent. He's got two things in his favor already as far as this blog goes. If I nickname him after his drink, he would be Jack & Coke, or if I nickname him after how we met, he is Rock Fest Guy.

One thing about going places with mr. redbull, I have to approach guys because they all think I am with him even I'm not and we don't act like we are 'together'. But the good thing about going places with mr. redbull, if I don't want approached I am safe.

More to come later, but right now I am so exhausted I can barely think straight let alone type.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Run Forrest Run!

I seem to have lost my mind, or at least a portion of it because I willingly got up at 6:30 this Sunday morning to celebrate my birthday by running the Pints to Pasta 10K. Not to mention I also did the Portland to Coast relay two weekends ago (this is the walking version of the Hood to Coast relay).

This morning's run (well, jog for me really) ended at Old Spaghetti Factory downtown. The race was sponsored in part by Jamba Juice who set up a booth at the finish where they handed out little itty bitty jamba juice cups. Those were the best Jamba's I have ever had! Well, they seemed like the best Jamba's ever after running 6.5 miles. I could have gotten a plate of spaghetti, garlic bread, and a Widmer (remember, the race is called Pints to Pasta) but that sounded so unappetizing I couldn't do it. I am pretty proud of myself over this though. I am waiting for official time to get posted, but my net time should be around 1 hour 22 minutes and I ran about 3.5 miles of the course.

The best part of this morning though, the race route went through downtown and directly in front of the X's condo. He brought M out to the sidewalk to wait for me to run by so she could give me a hug and cheer me on. There is nothing like getting a hug from your kid halfway through a race. I really could not have asked for anything more.