Sunday, December 30, 2007

The New Guy...

Through the course of the last year, I have elaborated on my trials and tribulations with NYB (that was New Year's Boy), mr.redbull, cowboy, and now "my new guy".
One might wonder why the hell I can't come up with a better nickname than "my new guy." Well, given that my blog is public domain and I make a concerted effort to protect my friends' privacy yet be honest, any name I can come up with would give away who I'm talking about to those not in the know.
Real name? Initials? Clothes? Location? Mr.redbull started calling him "insert employer name here" boy but that doesn't work for this purpose or talking about him to anyone at work. YIKES!!! Maybe I'm a little on the paranoid side, but you never who might stumble across this...

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