Sunday, August 19, 2007

Finally, I got the camera phone...

...and now must figure out how to "discreetly" capture the fashion atrocities I come across...hee hee hee!
A more pressing problem is teaching M's dad what a calendar is and how to use one. At some point on Friday, he says "oh just bring M by when you get back from the lake tomorrow and I can keep her through Monday." I'm OK with that, but geez, would have been nice to be able to make plans more than 24 hours ahead of time. Supposedly we now have our visitation schedule worked out through the end of elk hunting season. We'll see about that.

Last night my sis stayed over at my house which allowed me to go out with cowboy and actually stay at his house. I didn't have to get up and bail in the middle of the night or even first thing in the morning. We actually went out for breakfast this morning. So, any wild guesses as to where we went Saturday night? Anyone? That's right, Bushwhackers.

I stand by my previous post, if you are fat prior to getting dressed, you will still be fat once you get your clothes on. Wearing "skinny girl" clothes does not by default make you skinny. Shiny, silky tank tops fall into that category. White tank tops look just plain trashy (especially when they are worn as a top and not as a layered piece) and few people can pull off the look successfully. The bonus for whoever drank enough to make this girl skinny is they knew well ahead of time what they were getting. And when one must sit down to rest, it is not necessary to rest your fat rolls on the bar. That's just flat out gross. In case there is any question, fake hair looks fake at the cart in the middle of the mall, and it still looks fake when you clip on your ponytail.

I played designated driver last night, which cowboy took full advantage of. Normally a few beers get knocked back but not last night. After a few silver bulletts, four Crown & Coke's that were mostly Crown followed. Thankfully, cowboy had the presence of mind to tell me to pull over before he puked his guts out on the way home.

Remember everyone, basics are key. Chew with your mouth shut. Say please and thank you. And for Christ's sake, cross your legs when you're wearing a denim miniskirt and sitting on a bar stool!

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