Sunday, June 7, 2009

Parenting Styles of the Lazy and Ignorant

I still know how to line dance. It really truly is like riding a bike. No matter how long it's been, it all comes back to you. Took my country boy with me to Bushwhacker's last night. He doesn't dance though and nobody would ask me to dance with him sitting next to me. Well, one guy asked me but only because country boy had his arm around Amanda so some creep would leave her alone.

Another fabulous shout out to M's dad's parenting style. M and I are sitting on the couch tonight, flip the TV on and it's on VH1. Whatever was on, the commercials for 'Daisy of Love' came on. M says she thinks 'Daisy of Love' is funny. Holy Christ! what planet is it OK to let an 8 year old watch 'Daisy of Love' and 'Family Guy'? It's not! Ever!

We had a little discussion about what a twit Daisy is, how the silicone in her boobs has killed her brain cells, and how all the guys on the show are complete douchebags (using slightly different verbage of course). I decided we would leave VH1 on and we would watch Daisy together. As we talk about some of the people on the show, and the bad life choices they have made, she declares that she has seen this episode before and proceeds to tell me what happens with the skunk and the guys in their underwear and how 6Gauge showed everyone his "6Gauge" while they were in the limo.

Funny, yes... was I ready to hear my 8 year old's interpretation of Daisy of Love, not so much.

1 comment:

picturegirl503 said...

You think that's bad? Try have your son and the guy fixing your home computer forget you are in the room and finding out that your baby boy has had a BJ. (I know, he's not a baby, he's 15.) But to use your favorite phrase...HOLY HELL!!! That's shit no mom needs to hear.